The Importance of Understanding How Often to Change an HVAC Filter

Clogged vs clean filter

The filter may not be the beating heart of an HVAC system, but that doesn’t mean that you can afford to neglect it. A dirty or blocked air filter is often the reason behind an HVAC system breaking down.

We all want better indoor air quality and lower power bills. For that, the HVAC filter is one component that needs to be changed periodically.

Trust me, this small step can make a big difference in the way your AC unit functions.

How Does an HVAC Air Filter Work?

The contaminants in the air around us are an invisible enemy. From dust, dirt, and dander to pollen, mold spores, tiny fibers, and particulate matter; numerous invisible impurities can affect your health and comfort.

Think of the air filter in an HVAC system as the lone defender against these contaminants. The functioning is simple: air is forced through the filters before it is blown out through the ducts. The filter removes these impurities from the air by trapping them.

It is worth mentioning here that not all air filters come with the same efficiency. The efficiency of a filter is measured by the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values or MERV. This rating measures the ability of a filter to capture particles of sizes between 0.3 and 10 microns (µm). The higher the rating, the better the filtering ability.

The highest level of filtration is provided by a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter. A HEPA filter can remove between 99.97% – 99.99% of airborne particles with a size of 0.3 microns (µm) or smaller.

How Often Should I Change My AC Filter?

A dirty HVAC filter is a common – but often overlooked – problem that affects the performance of an AC unit. However, there is no fixed time limit for filter change. To start with, take a look at the manufacturer’s recommendation.

For most systems, it is recommended to change the air filter once every three months. However, that might vary depending on the type of filter and how you use your home.

In a large home with more members, you may need to change filters more frequently. The reason is simple – there is more air passing through the filters. If you keep the windows open often and there are pets around, the frequency of filter changes will be high.

Then again, there are other factors to consider. Imagine a construction or renovation project going on near your home resulting in more dust and debris. That will require changing the filters more quickly.

Besides proper AC maintenance, inspecting the HVAC filters once every month is a good idea. That way, you’ll know if an early change is needed.

What Happens if You Don’t Change Your Air Filter?

Changing dirty air filters is an integral part of HVAC maintenance. Skip it, and the functionality of the AC unit will take a hit.

Air filters have tiny mesh where air passes through. As dust makes its way in, the space between the meshes gets clogged up reducing the area of the airflow path. The outcome brings about the following issues.

  • The clogged filters will make the AC system work harder to push the air. That results in higher energy bills. Plus, the system will overheat due to the higher load it has to handle.
  • With the flow of warm or cool air hindered, the air can’t pass into a room freely. This will affect the temperature regulation causing uneven temperature distributions in your home.
  • Some of the contaminants stuck in the filter can end up in the air flowing into your room. The effects can be allergies, a sudden headache, or an itchy throat. This can be a concern for children or anyone with respiratory illnesses.

Will a Clogged HVAC Filter Shut Off a Compressor?

As we mentioned, clogged air filters will make an AC unit work harder. This will put more stress on the compressor and ultimately result in a compressor burnout.

Beyond that, there is another problem – ice formation on evaporator coils. With dirty filters restricting airflow, the evaporator coil may not receive enough heat. This can cause them to freeze, putting more pressure on the compressor.

Note that replacing a compressor is expensive. So, your HVAC contractor may suggest changing the entire unit.

How Bad is it to Run HVAC Without a Filter?

Technically, your AC will run without a filter. While it can be done during a temporary emergency, we don’t recommend doing that for longer periods.

Without air filters, you are risking poor indoor air quality and accumulation of contaminants inside your air ducts. This can enter the critical components of the unit, reducing their efficiency.

Think about it like this: is risking the health of your family and putting strain on the AC unit worth it?.

Final Thoughts

Proper air filter maintenance of an HVAC unit is a critical task that needs to be done at the right intervals. The good news is, dirty air filters can be dealt with in a few easy steps.

If you don’t have time to maintain the air filters, get support from professionals who can provide the best preventive maintenance for your HVAC system.

Connect with us to work with an HVAC expert and resolve your AC issues.